Online Course on Laboratory Animal Science

This course provides the theoretical training defined by FELASA for the former Category B (currently being revised to align with the functions defined by Directive 2010/63/EU). All authors are experts in their respective fields and have training in Laboratory Animal Sciences.

Upon completion, and when supplemented with 20 hours of practical training, this course will qualify you to apply for authorisation to perform functions A, C, and D in accordance with Decree-Law 113/2013. It is also suitable for individuals seeking to acquire basic theoretical knowledge in the field of Laboratory Animal Sciences.

SPCAL is currently restructuring the course to comply with the European Commission's recommendations for training in laboratory animal sciences.

NOTE: To obtain authorisation from DGAV, this course must be complemented with practical training, in accordance with the European Commission's recommendations. Registration for the Online Theoretical Course does not include the provision of practical training by SPCAL.

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