SPCAL-FFUC Practical course | June 26th, 28th and 29th

Practical Course on Animal Experimentation (26th, 28th and 29th of June 2019) Venue: Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra Training hours: 23h (10h00 PT + 13h00 P + 1h Evaluation) SPCAL organizaers: Profª. Doutora Isabel Vitória Figueiredo | Profª. Doutora Lucília Diogo |Prof. Doutor Ricardo A. Afonso

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FFUL/SPCAL course in Laboratory Animal Science (Former FELASA Category B) - 2nd Edition 16-20th September 2019

This course is aimed at pre or postgraduate students wishing to apply for accreditation as Researchers or Research Technicians to DGAV, but also to those who wish to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of Animal Sciences of Laboratory.

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SPCAL General Assembly

Nos termos do disposto no artigo 13º, nº 1, 2 e 6 dos Estatutos da SPCAL, todos os associados estão convocados para a reunião ordinária da Assembleia Geral que terá lugar no dia 21 de maio de 2019, pelas 16 horas e 30 minutos, na sala S1.02 da NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 130, Lisboa. Se à hora referida não se encontrarem presentes pelo menos metade dos associados, a reunião terá início às 17h, no mesmo dia e local, independentemente do número de associados presentes, com a ordem de trabalhos abaixo indicada.

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Jackson Laboratories seminars on May 10th, in Lisbon (free registration)

In collaboration with CONGENTO, The Jackson Laboratories will offer 3 seminars in Lisbon, on May 20th at IGC, from 10 am to 1.30 pm: Guidelines for Sizing Experimental Mouse Colonies Efficient Mouse Colony Management Advanced Cre-lox: Generating Reporters, Inducible Mice and Disease

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I International Congress of Education in Animal Sciences (ICEAS)

June 7th 2019 | University of Évora This congress intends to be an excellent forum for researchers, teachers and practitioners to exchange ideas, opinions, and above all experiences and research results relating to the preparation of students, teaching and learning methodologies and processes. Abstract submission deadline: April 10th 2019

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