5th ORBEA Symposium - ORBEAs in 2020: adapting to new challenges
The Gulbenkian Institute of Science of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, together with the Portuguese National Network of Animal Welfare Bodies (RedeORBEA), is organizing the 5th National ORBEA Symposium, which will take place on December 16th, 2020. Given the current pandemic context, the meeting will be held virtually through the Zoom platform. The Symposium will have no cost for participants, however registration is mandatory.
Read allFFUL/SPCAL course in Laboratory Animal Science - 3rd Edition June/July (theoretical) and September (Practical) 2020
This course is aimed at pre or postgraduate students wishing to apply for accreditation as Researchers or Research Technicians to DGAV, but also to those who wish to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of Animal Sciences of Laboratory.
Read allPostgraduate Course on Animal Experimentation (3 ECTS) 7th Edition
In collaboration with SPCAL, the Faculty of Medical Sciences | NOVA Medical School is organising a new edition of its Postgraduate Course on Animal Experimentation, coordinated by Prof. Ana Isabel Moura Santos Deadline for applications: 10 January 2020 Theoretical exam date: January 13 Practical Course (24h): 4 to 18 February 2020
Read all4-6 December 2019 - Course on Experimental Design and analysis of data for research with animals
Registrations open for another edition of the Course on Experimental Design and analysis of data for research with animals at the i3S-Institute for Research and Innovation in Health. This course aims to improve the reproducibility of data obtained from animal experimentation by improving its experimental design and statistical analysis. The 3Rs - Replacement, Reduction, Refinement - are fundamental pillars of this training course.
Read all4th Animal Welfare Body Simposium
RedeORBEA is pleased to announce the holding of the 4th National ORBEAs (Animal Welfare Bodies) Symposium, which will take place on 7 November 2019, with the support of SPCAL. This edition will be hosted by Patrícia Ribeiro and the ORBEA of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
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