SPCAL president talks about animal use in science for health channel "Saúde +"
Ricado Afonso, president of SPCAL, was invited by "Saúde +" channel to talk about biomedical research and the role of animal experimentation to advance medical knowledge and to develop innovative therapies, and the role of SPCAL in promoting a competent, responsible and ethical use of animals in science.
Read allPractical course FCM | NMS
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas | NOVA Medical School is pleased to announce that applications for the Postgraduate Course on Animal Experimentation (Practical) - 6th Edition are open.
Read allFELASA Workshop on Severity Classification and Reporting under EU Directive 2010/63/EU
NOVEMBER, 14th 2018 | FMUC, POLO III 14:00-17:30 Registration free for attendees of the 3rd ORBEA National Symposium
Read allIII Simpósio Nacional de ORBEAs - 15 de Novembro FMUC
Os ORBEAs do iCBR, CNC e ICNAS, da Universidade de Coimbra, em parceria com a Rede-ORBEA e com o apoio da SPCAL, estão a co-organizar o III Simpósio Nacional de ORBEA, que terá lugar no dia 15 de Novembro de 2018, no Auditório 2 da Subunidade 1 da FMUC, no Pólo 3 da Universidade de Coimbra.
Read allTheoretical and practical course - Champalimaud Foundation | SPCAL (register until October 12th)
The Champalimaud Foundation is organising another edition of the Champalimaud Course on Laboratory Animal Science for Function A (former FELASA Category B) - Persons carrying out procedures on animals. Species: rodents and fish (optional)
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