Theoretical and practical course - Champalimaud Foundation | SPCAL (register until February 6th 2019)

The Champalimaud Foundation is organising another edition of the Champalimaud Course on Laboratory Animal Science for Function A (+D) (former FELASA Category B) - Persons carrying out procedures on animals.

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Submit your abstract for the FELASA 2019 Congress (we have travel bursaries for students!)

The deadline for abstract submission for the FELASA 2019 Congress is 2019. Travel grants available for young researchers and PhD students

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European Commission grant to ETPLAS

ETPLAS will develop an IT platform that will deliver tools to enable course organisers to assess whether those persons carrying out procedures on animals have met the required level of competence in theoretical and practical skills.

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Nuno Franco talks about animal research on "Science for Progress" podcast

In this conversation with Dennis Eckmeier, Nuno Henrique Franco, member of the SPCAL Board, talks about the use of animals for scientific purposes, and its scientific, legal, ethical and social implications.

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Ternox and Covance offer -86ºC refrigrerator to IBMc/i3S

Ternox once again delivers -86 °C freezer from Covance. As usual, SPCAL announced and organised the applications for these equipments, which are most useful in various scientific areas.

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